
Some of you may be surprised to see that a number of pews have been removed this week. This is a temporary measure, agreed by the PCC. A temporary licence has been granted by the Diocese of Canterbury for the removal of these pews for twelve months.
After this we will be given three months in which to re-install the pews or to make this a permanent alteration. During the twelve months we intend to experiment with different forms of seating, about which a final decision will be made. Your views matter to the PCC and we ask that you enjoy the additional space and then participate in our discussions and deliberations.


To give a greater flexibility for events in the church such as:

  • Refreshments after services, weddings, christenings and funerals
  • Concerts
  • Toddler Group/Messy Church
  • To provide a much needed venue for large gatherings of the village
  • To encourage more people to use the church building
  • To give us a flexible catering area with space to set out tables and chairs


The PCC is committed to maintain the Anglican ethos and fabric of St Laurence Church, whilst moving forward with the times and exploring other avenues to encourage more people to use the Church building.

Other Users

Choral societies, local bands, toddler groups, youth groups, film societies, drama groups plus other local groups and societies who are sometimes looking for suitable venues will be encouraged to make use of the church, which could bring a substantial increase in much needed revenue.


The PCC appreciate that some parishioners will be apprehensive about these changes but it must be remembered that this is an experiment under temporary licence and there will be time for reflection at the end of the trial period.

Do feel free to make your views known to the vicar or members of the PCC during the next twelve months.

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