Hospice in the Weald
Spread a Little Hope ~ Sat 6th Nov
from 10 to 12. Join us for a cup of tea/coffee and stock up for Christmas with homemade jams, chutneys, marmalades and preserves.
Wednesday Eucharist at Bowles Lodge
Please do join us.
Remembrance Sunday Services
14th November 2021
- 8.00 a.m. Holy Communion BCP
- 9.30 a.m. Parish Eucharist
- 11.00 a.m. Remembrance Sunday Service
- (followed by procession to the War Memorial)
Confirmation by Bishop Rose
If you wish for further details please speak to Fr. Rodney.
Christmas Tree Festival
3rd to 5th December
The Social Committee would be grateful for helpers during the festival days. Please sign up if you can help. There is a list on the table at the side of the church.
Raffle prizes are also wanted please ~ donations of Christmas items such as: Stollen, Christmas puddings, crackers, napkins, anything Christmassy ~ a box for collection of items will be available every Sunday between today and the festival.
Refreshments will be served during the festival and donations of cakes, sausage rolls and mince pies would be very welcome. If you are able to donate, please sign the list at the side of the church.
Concert by the Cranbrook Town Band
Saturday 4th December ~ starting at 7.30pm.
(doors open at 6.45 pm).
Tickets : £10 adults and £5 children
(Family Ticket – £25 for 2 adults and 2 children).
Ticket includes a mince pie and a complimentary drink. There will be a cash bar available on the night. Tickets available from Ali Jones (01580 755705) and on Sundays.
After School Club
Arrangements for this club are still being made. Please speak to Fr. Rodney if you are able to help in any way or would like further information.
01580 754459