We are very grateful for all the support we receive via prayers, the giving of one’s time and talent as well as other gifting through planned and regular giving including the weekly collection.
The way that the Church will be collecting and accounting for regular and / or planned giving will be changing from the end of April 2023. This new process will also apply to those who give at the weekly service via the collection plate.
All Parish churches going forward will be required to use the newly established Parish Giving Scheme – PGS. This will help our Parish Church administrators hugely and will also make giving easier and more efficient.
What does this mean for you?
- As an existing Planned / Regular giver – register with PGS (on-line, phone or giving form) and complete direct debit (with the simultaneous cancellation of existing standing order if one in place
- New Planned / Regular giver – as above
- Collection plate
a) Cash – no change
b) Weekly / Yellow envelopes – we ask that you also use the PGS process.
This process will also allow givers to review their Gift Aid nomination – this allows us to maximise the donations you make, as well as consider inflation linked increases in their giving.
More details are available in a pack to be found at the back of the church – this pack includes background, frequently asked questions and a giving form.
This is also available on our website on the Giving Page https://stlaurencechurch-hawkhurst.org/welcome/fundraising/
Here are some key contact details;
St Laurence Church, Hawkhurst
Julian van Kan for any questions, help, guidance for form / application completion.
Tel: 07710 995 644
Email: julian@thevankans.com
Parish Giving Scheme
Tel: 0333 002 1260
Website: www.parishgiving.org.uk
Canterbury Diocese
Website: www.canterburydiocese.org/