Hawkhurst Food 4 Families

There is still a great demand for donations of food. Please leave your gifts on the Vicarage doorstep. We are delighted to accept donations of the non- perishable items below:-

A – Items NEVER supplied from support group funds

  • Coffee
  • Hot Chocolate powder
  • Ketchup / Sauce
  • Tinned ham/meat
  • Tinned Pies
  • Tinned meat :- Curry, Stewed Steak, Chicken in white sauce
  • Cake
  • Pasta / Curry sauce jars
  • Shower gel / Shampoo
  • Chocolate / Sweets
  • Sugar

B – Items OCCASIONALLY purchased with funds

  • Biscuits
  • Washing Powder
  • Cereal Bars (No Nuts)
  • Tinned Fruit
  • Crisps
  • Corned Beef
  • Tuna / Tinned Fish
  • Instant Noodles
  • Chocolate Spread
  • Peanut Butter
  • Tinned :- Ravioli, Meatballs, Macaroni Cheese, Hot dog sausages

C – Items we AIM ALWAYS to have available either purchased or donated.

  • Breakfast Cereal
  • Tinned Spaghetti
  • Baked Beans
  • Soup
  • Rice Pudding
  • Custard
  • Jelly
  • Tea
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Paste / Spread
  • Jam / Marmalade
  • Sweetcorn

Our New St Laurence Church Website

We have a super new website! Check it out by typing St Laurence Church, Hawkhurst, into any search engine. You will find everything you need; service log-ins, articles, photos and up-to-date news. Please e-mail Father Rodney with any comments.

Used Postage Stamps

There is a collecting box on the table at the back of the church for used postage stamps. They are being collected for the RNIB.

Opening Times of the Church

During this lockdown the church is open from 11 am to 3 pm for private prayer.

Monetary Donations to St Laurence

If you would like to make a one-off donation to the church funds, you will find a simple donation button after you log onto the website. Click the Welcome button and then the Giving button.

Confirmation Service

The Confirmation Service which was to happen at St. Laurence later this month, has been deferred because of Covid19 and the current lockdown and will take place later in the year at a more appropriate time.


Watch out for further items and details under Notices on the website.

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