At the Annual General Meeting of the St Laurence Church Mothers’ Union Branch on January 2016, members made the very difficult decision to change the format of the branch. We will cease to operate as a branch, but will thankfully be able to continue to have a presence in the life of our parish church, supporting the values, objectives and aims of the Mothers’ Union, as a ‘Mothers’ Union Fellowship’. The Fellowship Group is to replace the branch so that we will be cared for by the Archdeaconry President and the Committee. A Fellowship is in effect a prayer group of Mothers’ Union members.
We do continue to worship together at the Corporate Communion on the first Friday of each month at the 9.30am service at St Laurence Church, as well as support the Cathedral Prayer Time at 12noon on the last Thursday of each month. Although we no longer have a programme we continue to hold a monthly meeting following Corporate Communion on the 1st Friday of each month. Please check the weekly pew leaflets or church notice boards for any events planned during the course of the year ahead.
If you are able to, please visit to find out what the MU is all about. Members are not all mothers, or even all women. They are single, married, parents, grandparents, or young adults just beginning to express their social conscience. You will find information on the website of all the membership options to suit every lifestyle.
More information can be obtained by emailing
Update : Cathedral Prayer-Time 2020 held the last Thursday of every month has been cancelled until further notice.