An Autumn Update and Thankyou
Miss Anne Wheelhouse created an Easter Garden outside the main Church doors during lockdown. It was admired by many people who passed by. She has maintained the garden through the summer and into autumn and has recently made the display into a garden for harvest.
When you pass by St Laurence Church, do go and have a good look at the detail in it. Thank you, Miss Wheelhouse.
Ali and Liz would like to add their thanks to those of Father Rodney, to everyone who participated in the Working Party held on 17th October.
So many jobs were completed by the 23 kind people who came. Everywhere looks tidier now and ready for the forthcoming winter season:-
- Paths were cleared of weeds
- Edges of paths were trimmed
- The gulley around the church was cleared
- Tiled floors were scrubbed
- Pews polished
- Windowsills swept
- Gates and doors scrubbed
- Brasses were polished and glass was cleaned
- The notice boards were cleaned, oiled and renewed
- Lady Herschel’s grave was also weeded and now looks very smart
- Plus ivy was removed from the church wall
Thank you to everyone
There will be a Confirmation Service here on the 26th of January 2021 at 7pm. We have four candidates already. If you would like to be confirmed in the faith of the Church by Bishop Rose during this service, please speak to Fr. Rodney. We look forward to welcoming Bishop Rose on her first visit to our parish.
We have received expressions of thanks from Andrew Davis and Alison Mitham through emails, for the gifts they received from our church to thank them for their service to us over the years.